Support for Russell Brand?

I know we are all divided on the Russell Brand show prank issue but there are two sides to every argument…

Noel Gallagher has spoken out in support of Russell, telling BBC Northern Ireland “At worst it was a juvenile prank that wasn’t unfunny but it’s hardly offensive. You know what? There’s now a massive divide. Them and us.
People like David Cameron – who should be more worried about the money that his party are fiddling out of politics – than getting involved in something that doesn’t concern him – then there’s us. I feel bad for Russ, cause he really loved doing the show. I loved being on it as well.”

Fans of Russell’s are so upset at his decision to leave Radio 2 they have set up a petition to get him back. View it here.

Update – Jonathan Ross has been suspended from all BBC broadcasting for 12 weeks.
The head of Radio 2 Lesley Douglas has just announced her resignation.

(Pic from