Robster, you are too happy

We critisise these popstars when they are too sad, too fat and too thin, but what about when they are too happy? It seems that this is the extremity of it! Robbie Williams was actually criticised for his ‘wide-eyed’ and ‘exciteable’ state on his X Factor’s performance on Saturday.

Viewers flooded the message boards and posted comments like, ‘It’s totally disgusting that he was allowed to perform in such a state’. These feelings were mutual with many viewers. Robbie has since defended himself, and blamed it on nerves: “I wasn’t as nervous as I thought I was going to be… until the friggin sliding door wouldn’t open. I don’t know if you saw but I had to wedge it open myself. That wasn’t part of the show that was pure brute strength. So there’s a bad start. I had a whole pose planned and what not. But that went out of the window.”

We thought it was a blinding performance! Robster, we don’t blame you for the nerves. There were 14 million people watching. We love the Williams comeback!